Whose This

In Case you didn't know, we are a new band from Montebello High School, looking to make it big with all the other bands.

Some things U won't get from oUr Profiles.
All three of us have barely known eachother for about 2 to 3 years, but we act as though we've known eachother from the stone age. So throughout all our time together, stalking all these boys at school, not getting anywhere, we decided to put our stalker minds to use, and start a band.

To show all our fans at school how much we appreciate them, we will post up right here the birthdays of anyone we know for the month. And if you don't happen to be one of the lucky ones that know us, leave your day in our guestbook, and i will be on my way.

  • Brianne-April 5
  • April-April 12