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Another dudet in the band to wonder about.

Name Please: Christy JUarez
Birthday: Novemper 5, 1985(i may be the yoUngest of the three, but i sUre am the tallest)
What we call yoU: Crispy Stix, Christeenie Weenie, Crackhead Christy, CrUsty, Slipper Girl, KrUsty Krap
AIM: crispy sticks69
iDoL: Angelina Jolie, why yoU think i dyed my hair black
HaVe a mAn: the closest I get to toUching a gUy is in wrestling(cyclops)
What CD is in yoUr CD player right now: my bUrned cd of the strokes
What kind of dUdes do yoU like to stalk: Um, tall, dark and handsome, maybe, cUrly hair(cyclops)
Fave Radio sTaTion: K-EarTh, K-RoQ, KiSS
Fave T.V. sHoW: Real World
Fave bOOk: The Two Mrs. Grenvilles
Fave color: red
Fave mUsic: swing, oldies baby, and anything with a catchy beat
Fave band: The Strokes, NO DOUBT, Weezer, The Ataris, Pennywise
Fave Movie: MONSTERS INC.,Moulin Rouge, The OUtsiders
Hobbies: playing my fake gUitar, swimming, playing my cool trUmpet, pUnking aroUnd the gUys in wrestling
What Song Describes U tHe bEst: Everclear's Everything to Everyone
YoU think we coUld be better than Josie and The PUssyCats: of coUrse, we got the looks
Inspirations: well, of coUrse oUr local band, JC-U, and the one and only, well two and only, Brenda and Dorine(they threatened me to be in the band with a toothpick)
Pet pEEve: when people poke me with a toothpick
Do yoU think we will have a song before JC-U: same answer as do gUys mastUrbate.
What Song: Um, well, my all time fave, "I Love YoU" from that great pUrple dinosaUr.
Best Quality: Um, my high voice
Fave QUote: Whatever floats yoUr boat.
Fave Store: wherever they sell MONSTERS INC. things.
What boy woUld yoU most like to stalk: let's jUst say i love wrestling practices(cyclops)