Well, look at that, we finally got a pic with all three
of us in it.
VoCaLs or as we like to call her, cHaPsTiX
druMMer GiRl
The Supreme Scream Record Breakers(we went on it 25 times, now try topping that).
NoW, iF U can'T sEE, DoRiNi iS reaLLy giVing gOOfy a lap DanCe
Let me (Dorine) just say, I DID NOT want to take this pix.
Christeenie aNd Dorini aT tHe HaPPiesT PlAcE On EarTH
Us GiRlS aT FoRMaL
PomPoms & SlipperGirl
DoRiNi & MiNNiE
Pom Poms
Grumpy(dorini) AnD Dopey(brenda) hugging eachother, but Grumpy doesn't look too happy about it
gOOfy AnD BrenDa